When property owners inneed of Asphalt Repair in DFW need their pavement repaired, Elite Asphalt is the paving company they trust. Recently, a multi-family residential property owner near Fort Worth TX needed some help. Their apartment complex’s roadway and parking area had severe cracking, potholes, standing water, and general pavement failure. They needed major asphalt repairs to protect their tenants from vehicle collisions and pedestrian accidents.
After a consultation with the property owner, the Elite Asphalt representative recommended a major repair project that included milling, pulverizing, grading, and repaving failed paved areas. Milling and repaving services are necessary when the existing surface has significant damage, such as potholes. Milling removes the damaged layer and prepares the surface for repaving. Repaving involves adding a new layer of asphalt to the surface, providing a smooth and durable finish. These processes are essential for maintaining safe and functional roads, parking lots, and other paved surfaces.
We knew that on our Fort Worth pavement repair project, we had to be careful not to interrupt the tenants’ lives, so we mobilized quickly to complete the restoration of their road and parking lot. First, the Elite crew treated the aggregate base layer and repaired over 18,000 square feet of failing pavement. Additionally, Elite Asphalt performed milling over an area of approximately 122,560 square feet. Our experienced paving contractors milled the pavement to a depth of 1.5 inches, saw-cut edges to establish a clean joint, removed millings and debris, and installed surface asphalt with a compacted thickness of 1.5 inches. Finally, they restriped the parking area per the existing layout. The project was completed with attention to detail and quality, ensuring the roadway was restored to optimal condition.
Our experienced professionals are dedicated to providing top-quality service and using only the best materials to ensure Texas roadways, driveways, and parking lots are safe and functional. Whether you need potholes repaired or completely new pavement installed, we have the expertise to do the job right.
Don’t let damaged pavement cause harm to your vehicles or jeopardize the safety of your community! Contact Elite Asphalt today to schedule your consultation and get started on your roadway repair and paving project.
- Asphalt Roadway BEFORE
- Asphalt Roadway Paving AFTER